Abiding Hope Coach Blog

My name is Lisa Reynoso. I am a mental health coach. Mental health coaching falls under the category of life coach, but it works in the overlap between coach and therapist. I’m like your good friend that is always ready to listen, but isn’t qualified to diagnose or treat you, and because I’m a neutral third party, I can be objective. I care deeply about people, and this drives my desire to help others.

I am a Christian, but I have done a lot of deconstruction of the beliefs I was taught, all without losing my faith. If anything, the deconstruction process made my faith stronger. I also experienced the loss of my marriage, which gives me so much more empathy for those who are struggling in their marriages or with the loss of their life partner, whether through divorce or death. My own father passed away when I was young, and my mother a decade ago, so I am no stranger to loss. I have watched myself and others suffer from depression, and learned that there are not always easy answers or simple solutions. My desire is to be a safe, supportive space for people in similar situations.

More recently, I have become an ally and an advocate for those in the LGBTQ+ community. I have spent several months studying what the Bible says about the topic and listening to the stories of people who have experienced first hand both same-sex attraction and discrimination because of it. These stories, combined with solid, conservative Biblical scholarship, have led me to believe that supporting and affirming those in this community is the right thing to do, and I have put my own reputation and income on the line by doing so. The network that I initially trained in does not allow fully affirming coaches, and so I had to resign from the only reliable source of clients I have had since beginning my coaching career. However, I am trusting that God has clients either within this community, or their family members and friends, that need the perspective I can offer, and so I am stepping out in faith.

I will be using this blog as a place to share my thoughts on the topics I am passionate about, in the hopes that they will benefit others.

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Lisa Reynoso is a mental health coach who helps people through one-on-one coaching. If this post brought up a lot of feelings, or as you were reading, you thought, “I would love to talk to someone about this,” please click here to schedule a free session.

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